1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small files with information that a web page (specifically, a web server) stores on a user’s computer / tablet / mobile phone so that whenever a user logins to the particular site, the latter retrieves that information and provides the user with services related thereto. A typical example of such information is the user’s preferences on a website, as stated by the user’s choices on the site (eg selecting custom “choices”, searches, ads, etc.).


2. What is the legal framework?

Cookies are governed by e-privacy Directive 2002/58 / EC as amended by Directive 2009/136 / EC (incorporated into Greek law by N 3471/2006) as explicitly provided for in the 2016/679 Protection Regulation Personal Data Recital 173.

According to the applicable law N3471 / 2006 (see article 4 par. 5 of this law as amended by article 170 of Law 4070/2012) “The installation of” cookies “is allowed only with the consent of the user and after appropriate information.

Therefore, when the user first visits the website oikos-sa.com a pop-up window appears where the visitor can declare his / her consent to the installation of the specially mentioned cookies and are non-functional cookies aimed at improving the products and services presented on the site.


3. Which cookies are installed?

A. With your consent

Google Analytics

  1. Browser agent data
  2. Country


B. Without Your Consent

There are “cookies” that have been assessed by the Article 29 Working Group as technically-operational necessary to connect to the website or to provide the internet service. For this, law does not require prior consent.


These are (see also Wp29 Opinion 4/2012)

  • Cookies’ that are necessary to identify and / or maintain content entered by a subscriber or user during a session on a site throughout that connection. (For example, such cookies are required when completing an online form).
  • In the same category, persistent “cookies” are installed for the same purpose and last for a few hours.
  • “Cookies” that are necessary to authenticate the subscriber or user to services requiring authentication
  • “Cookies” installed for security purposes, such as “cookies” that detect repeated failed attempts to enter a user’s account on a particular website.
  • “Cookies” with multimedia content, such as a “cookies” flash player, during a session on a website. Such are, for example, “cookies” that are installed by viewing a video on the website that the user has visited.
  • “Cookies” that are necessary for the implementation of the load balancing technique in a connection to a website.
  • “Cookies” that “remember” the choices of the subscriber or user regarding the presentation of the website (eg “cookies” concerning the choice of language or the presentation of search results on a web page).
  • “Cookies” installed through plug-ins on social networking sites and related to the sharing of content between certified members who have already logged in.


4. How to control cookies

You can delete all cookies already on your computer, as well as set up most browsers in a way that prevents cookies from being installed. However, in this case, you may need to customize certain preferences yourself whenever you visit a site, and some services may also not work.

To control and / or delete cookies according to your wishes you can visit the following link:




5. How can I accept or deny cookies on this site?

You can easily accept or reject cookies on this site by choosing one of the following links:

I accept cookies / I reject cookies.


6. How do I know if the cookies policy changes

Any modification to this cookie policy will be displayed in time on the Site


7. How can I contact Heads

Contact info:


Company OIKOS SA
Address Chalepa 17 str, Gerakas, PC. 15344
T. – F. T.: 210 66 117 50 – F.: 210 66 119 44  
Email info@oikos-sa.com


* WP29: Established under Article 29 of Directive 95/46/EC on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. The Group is advisory to the European Commission but is independent of it. It is composed of a representative of the Data Protection Authorities of each Member State and examines issues of particular gravity or issues of particular interest in the protection of personal data falling under the first pillar of the EU. Consideration of these issues takes place either at the request of the European Commission either on a proposal from the members of the Group. The Group publishes opinions and working papers. Already after the 2016/679 Regulation, the Regulation operates as the European Data Protection Supervisor.